This is the Home of Summit Ministries International. We are excited about what the Lord is doing in us and through us around the world. Please feel free to browse through the Resources and Information about us.
Contact us or sign-up to our email list for our regular Ministry updates. PARTNER with us to fulfil God's purpose together.
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Our account details are:
Name of Account: Summit Ministries International
Bank: HSBC
Sort Code: 40-31-30
Account number: 91796275
IBAN: GB09HBUK40313091796275
The Summit Life Television programme airs on both Revelation TV and FaithWorld TV stations. Here is the current weekly schedule:
Sundays at 5.30pm on RevelationTV.com (SKY 581).
Mondays at 7.00pm on FaithWorld TV.com (SKY 589)
Wednesdays 2.00pm (LIVE) FaithWorld TV
Fridays at 7.00pm on FaithWorld TV
Watch Life transforming teachings by Drs Princewill & Abidemi Nwator and their Guest Speakers.
A bible study/devotional through the New Testament in one year. There is a daily reading plan and daily commentary posted on two groups by the same name on Whatsapp and Facebook. Below are the links to the two groups:
A series of daily online Bible study with Dr Abidemi Nwator, journeying through the New Testament in one year (#NT-in-one-year). All episodes have been uploaded to our YouTube channel (SUMMIT MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL UK) where you can watch them
This Week's Offer
Free Downloads & CD/DVD
1. How to receive/minister the baptism in the Holy Spirit
2. Discover your purpose Toolkit
3. Grow in Grace - CD for new believers
4. A Srong Foundation - DVD